Where She

Empowering Girls and Women Every Day, Every Step of the Way
With a legacy spanning 160 years and recognized as the first Girls Club in the United States, Park Central empowers girls and women through essential skill-building and life-enriching programs. Our center offers a supportive and safe place to share and grow - where she can become who she wants by learning what she likes.
Welcome to Park Central!
Become a Park Central Member
Explore a world of possibilities by becoming a member. As a Park Central Member, you have access to our exclusive, empowering, life-changing programs! With a legacy that spans more than 160 years, our commitment to girls is unwavering. No matter where you are in life, becoming a member of Park Central, connects you to a vibrant, motivating and empowering community, focused on better futures for all girls and women!
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Middle School (Tweens, Pre-teen)
High School (Teen)